Fine canvas art
Fine canvas art

They offer an archival alternative to stretched canvas that is best for non-flexible media such as tempera, encaustic, and casein paints. Wood and hardboard panels are a substrate used prior to the 16th century that are still preferred by many artists to this day. Canvas boards and panels are covered with cotton or linen canvas that is mounted securely to a wood, wood fiber, or MDF backing, then turned under and glued securely to prevent fraying. Other popular painting surfaces include canvas panels and canvas boards, for those who prefer a more stable and portable type of blank canvas that travels well and sets up easily in the studio or in the field.

fine canvas art

Blick offers the largest selection of blank canvases in standard canvas sizes, formats, and textures - from stretched canvas that is pre-mounted, pre-primed, and ready to paint, to canvas rolls for artists who want the flexibility of cutting their own custom sizes or generally create larger works of art. Made from woven material, canvas is generally made from cotton or linen, or even synthetic materials. Blick's canvases and painting surfaces are created to accept and support media such as oil paint, acrylic paint, gouache, watercolors, pastels, and other media.

Fine canvas art